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>> Dear Bubbles... <<

2010-03-15 @ 3:40 p.m.

Dear Bubbles,

I know you can't read.. you'll never read this... but please just hold on until I get there.

I grew up with you, and now.. facing the fact that you'll be gone soon brings me to tears. You were there for me through everything.. never judging, never frowning upon me... always there. When I needed an ear to listen, you'd sit there and listen to me babble, you slept at my feet when I was afraid... forced me to pet you when I needed cheering up...

I remember the first time I held you, I was the first one to... you were so small and sweet. Just this little white ball of fluff... I remember the day that mom picked out your name.. "bubbles".. and it was the perfect name.

I can't imagine growing up without you... it's hard being so far away from you... I look at your picture every night and remember how we used to play together, and I know that nobody will ever replace you.

Please hold on Bubbles, just for a little longer. I'm coming to see you to say goodbye, and then you can rest.

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