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>> take a chance <<

2014-08-15 @ 2:30 p.m.

I need to get this off of my chest, because right now.. it's just.. weighing me down.

You didn't take a chance.

No, not at all.

Your storybook romance was nothing like that, instead you pushed me to be the distraction. You didn't like him, he wasn't your type, even though I told you to give him a chance.

that's right.

I told you to give him a chance.

.. and yet, you pushed me, and I ended up with hurt feelings and years of regrettable actions.

You did not take any chances.

Do you want to know what taking chances looks like?

For starters, try being someone completely different than everyone else around you. Walk around for years completely and utterly confused about your own identity. Try meeting your soul mate at age 16 and have nothing ever become of it.

Try moving away from everyone and everything you know and love, to be with one person... and then, in this place.. make friends and join a sport that in itself, is dangerous and addictive.

You never took a single damn chance in your life. You followed the rules (mostly), you stabbed me in the back and you write your story as if you're the perfect little princess who got her prince charming.

I guess I shouldn't be too bitter. I mean, without those years in my life, I wouldn't have gained the strength I needed to do some of the things I've done in my life. I also wouldn't know your true face, or even for that matter all of your true faces. I wouldn't have realized what a truly terrible place I was in, and from there, decided to make myself better.

Without you in my life, I wouldn't have known manipulation.

... but hey, you took a chance right?

- until then...

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all content copyright Blair Limit, 2001-2014.