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>> everything changes... <<

2010-08-20 @ 10:13 a.m.

Amazing how one year can change so many things...

this time last year, I was anxiously preparing for my first day of work for a new newspaper... our place had finally gotten unpacked (well, I got unpacked), we were ready to start out on this new adventure.

Hand in hand we ventured into the future, not knowing how many fights we'd have, sleepless nights we'd experience... and here we are today... married and learning more and more everyday.

I've lost a lot in the past year... namely, my dog Bubbles... and to this day.. even though she's been gone since 5 months now... I still think about her like it was yesterday that she was here. I can't stop thinking about bubbles... at least once a day I'll look over my shoulder and find her picture there... she's perched on her spot on the couch, looking out into beyond..

I still miss her greatly, and I worry that I'll never be able to not think about her. She led a wonderful life, and I wish that she was still here..

On September 25th, I'll be getting my first tattoo (finally!)... and it'll be a memorial to the most loving, and loyal friend I've ever had. Maybe then, I'll feel like she's been rightly remembered, and it won't hurt so much any more.

My brother crashed that blue mini van I hated so much, my dad broke his new truck.. I'm going to be an aunt.. life moves far too quickly these days... I wish it would slow down so I could savor it.

oh, it's so weird... Matt Hardy and I, sitting in the same situation.. I'm still not quite sure where I stand.. but I will welcome them with open arms and hope that they will grow to be a good person, willing to inspire, and wanting to work hard.

I went from being so very lonely in the past year, to having the company of some wonderful ladies... finding the sport of Roller Derby has been a godsend. The phsyicality of wrestling, plus the strategy and skating of short-track... oh, I'm so in love with it.

Derby has been the ultimate combination of things that I have loved in the past, to things that I know I will love in the future.

the fact that we have a short-track coach... oh, it blows my mind. The other day she said that my skating had gotten 100% better... coming from a skating coach! it was amazing motivation to keep working at it... she even said that I was very strong.

I guess you could say that in this year of living here, my life has gotten better... I look back now at the sacrifice I made, and know that I made the right decision. I do miss my old life from time to time, but I know if I ever went back that I wouldn't truly be happy there.

It all boils down to having someone beside me, willing to abandon me at a derby practice so I could make friends... someone willing to fly with me even though I had an ear infection so that I could say goodbye... someone to call me out on my shit when they know I could do better. It doesn't matter how much we fight, or how hard our life gets together... the fact that I can just look over at him... and it'll bring a smile to my face... to know that someone loves me that much.. and that I can only hope to love them back... 1 year... I hope for many.

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