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>> It's Been Awhile <<

2023-05-02 @ 12:30 a.m.

I am having a time.

Sometimes it's a good time.

Sometimes, it's okay.

Lately.. it's been.. a time.

Not good, not bad.. just.. a time.

There are things that are good - places I can smile, reasons to be happy and enjoy life.

There are things that feel like this endless fight, and I can't seem to get any traction.

... and these are the things I want the most.

I feel like I can't catch a break on these things... and I'm getting tired, but I don't want to stop fighting.

I know I feel heartbroken.

I know that this is the most frustrated I've felt

.. I know that tomorrow, I'll be lifting my heart out...

I don't know if I'll ever get a win - in any of the places I want to have a win...

... but holy fuck, I'm going to keep trying.

... and trying...

...and trying...

because I won't give up... not now, not ever.

- Blair

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